1 September 2011
TWGHs S. C. Gaw Memorial College
2011-2012 School Yearly Theme

Nurturing a perfect generation with vision, culture, ideals, commitment and dedication to excellence, we strive to make our school a healthy, creative, resourceful, and caring environment where no potential goes untapped and no interest uninspired. While striving for the highest standards, we are committed to providing a welcoming, caring and supportive environment where a spirit of trust and mutual respect is promoted within the school community.

Our students value not only academic excellence and personal enrichment, but also individual differences, and are always ready to make contributions to the school as a learning community.  The educational goals and school ethos of schools sponsored by the TWGHs are to be fully realized in our yearly educational theme 2011-2012, that is, "Love ourselves, Love our School; Develop our Potential, Serve our School; Strive for Excellence, Contribute to our Community.’  Setting the direction for students' character building, core values are identified. They are: 'To love', 'To serve' and 'To contribute '. We encourage our students to set clear goal, work out strategies, employ multi-dimensional learning to reach a sensible decision and build a healthy lifestyle.  With the education we delivered and the multiple learning experiences we provided, we are creating a wholesome and stimulating environment within which our students' academic, aesthetic and physical development will flourish.

培育「完美」的,具備遠大視野、文化素養、人文理想、承擔責任、及力臻至善的下一代,是我們的教育目標。創校以來,我們致力將學校建構成一個追求健康、具創意思維、資源充裕和關愛尊重的學習環境,激發學生潛能,讓學生以探索人生志趣為己任。同時,學校希望同學能     擴闊 視野、欣賞成果、面向未來。本年度本校以「愛惜自己、 愛惜校園;發揮潛能、服務校園;追求卓越、回饋社會」為教育主題,鼓勵學生培養「關愛」、「服務」與「回饋」三項核心價值,實現東華三院學校的教育使命及抱負。在學習過程中,讓學生建立清晰的目標、為達成目標制訂可行的策略,並透過多元化的學習,學會作明智的決定及建立健康的生活模式。