3 July 2012
Warmest congratulations to Chin Hiu Tung (3C) for achieving the Major Award (Junior Form) and Chan Shan Shan (3C), Chan Ching Yi (3A), Yong Tsoi Chi (2B) and Lai Yee Kwan (2C) for achieving the Merit Awards (Junior Form) in “Arts Creation for Inclusive Culture” Competition
熱切恭賀錢曉彤 (3C) 在「視藝創作展共融」比賽中獲取初中組大獎,而陳珊珊 (3C) 、陳靜兒 (3A) 、楊采知 (2B) 及黎綺君 (2C) 在上述比賽中均取得初中組優異獎

The objective of the competition was to express the idea of an inclusive school through visual arts creation. In an inclusive school, peer students with different abilities and aptitudes accept and respect each other and appreciate each person’s individual uniqueness. The works of S.C. Gaw students were able to express the inclusive culture within the campus and were therefore appreciated and awarded.