9 July 2012
恭賀本校175位同學獲社會福利署(義工運動) 頒發義務工作金、銀、銅狀,以表揚同學積極參與義務工作,熱誠服務的精神
Congratulations to 175 students for being awarded the Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards for the Voluntary Service Award Scheme 2011-12 of the Social Welfare Department in appreciation of their contribution of volunteer service to the community

175 S.C.Gawers received awards from the Social Welfare Department in appreciation of their contribution of volunteer service to the community. There were 39 Gold, 74 Silver and 62 Bronze Awards. The total number of service hours carried out by all S.C.Gaw students during 2011-2012 summed up to 22,472 hours. Once again, it proved that S.C.Gawers were good citizens with high service spirit.

List of Awardees