30 January 2014
Our students running a Lunar New Year Fair Dry Goods Stall --- a real-life experience in running a business that marks the commencement of the celebration of 30th Anniversary of the school
本校學生經營年宵花市乾貨攤位 --- 一次真實經營的生活體驗,並標誌著本校三十週年慶祝活動的進行

A group of student leaders ran a Lunar New Year Fair Dry Goods Stall at Kwai Chung Sports Ground from 25th to 30th January, 2014. It was a real-life experience to all participants. The business started early in November when they successfully bid the stall through open auction. Then they designed and arranged their merchandise, decorated their stalls, arranged their work duties and sold the goods. They tried to make as much profit as possible in these few days until the Chinese New Year’s Eve.

To our student leaders, it is a great opportunity to understand how to operate a stall in the real-life situation and to exercise their collaboration and problem-solving skills in dealing with everyday problems. Moreover, it marked the commencement of the celebration of 30th Anniversary of the school.