22 June 2014
“Sole to Soul” --- A Tender Love & Care to Parents
「足動心靈」--- 給父母送上一份溫柔的愛與關懷

“Sole to Soul” (足動心靈) was held on 22nd June,2014 at our School Hall. This was the second year of our school to co-operate with “Sole to Soul” volunteer group. The half-day interactive workshop offered student an opportunity to express their love and care to their parents.

Ice-breaking games were introduced at the very beginning to guide each family member to open their hearts to chat frankly. The aim was to enhance the mutual understanding and trust between parents and children. Then, under the guidance of volunteer mentors, children performed foot massage to their parents to make their parents feel relaxed.

We also invited families from Tsuen Wan Trade Association Primary School (荃灣商會小學) to join our school activity. We hope that the message of filial piety can be passed on to the next generations.