26 November 2014
Congratulations to 6B Lam Hiu Ting and 6D Chan Ching Yi for Obtaining the ‘Applied Learning Scholarship’
恭賀6B林曉婷同學 及6D陳靜兒同學獲「高中應用學習獎學金」

The ‘Applied Learning Scholarship’ is jointly organized by the Education Bureau and the Law’s Charitable Foundation (羅氏慈善基金). It aims to commend those outstanding students who take Applied Learning courses and to improve the awareness and concerns of people on the development of Applied Learning. Our students 6D Chan Ching Yi and 6B Lam Hiu Ting obtained remarkable academic results and they were awarded the Applied Learning Scholarship.

Name of Awardees
6D Chan Ching Yi 陳靜兒
6B Lam Hiu Ting 林曉婷