17 October 2015
S.4,5,6 Saturday Afternoon Parents’ Tea Gathering cum Talk on Study in Taiwan

On 17th October 2015, S.4,5,6 Saturday Afternoon Parents’ Tea Gathering cum Talk on Study in Taiwan was held in the Hall. Our Guest, Dr. Shum Kam Hong, Principal of Pui Ching Academy explained the mechanism of Hong Kong students’ application for the higher education in Taiwan. He also introduced the requirements of different faculties among the universities in Taiwan.

Afterwards, S.6 parents stayed behind in the Hall and talked to the S6 homeroom teachers while S.4 and S.5 parents went to the classrooms to meet the homeroom teachers for detailed discussions. We value a series of Tea Gatherings like this for it has facilitated the communication between the parents and the school that can engender an improved study environment for our students. Besides, we express our gratitude to Dr. Shum for helping the parents and their children to prepare for their life planning.