1 November 2015
Warmest Congratulations to our Chinese Dance Team for Achieving the Champion in the 12th Chinese Arts Competition (Hong Kong Section)

Warmest Congratulations to our Chinese Dance Team which achieved the Champion in the 12th Chinese Arts competition (Hong Kong Section) organized by the China Artist Association HKSAR Secretariat. The competition was held on 1 November 2015. Our school provided a lot of opportunities for dancers with talents to participate in different competitions.

May we once again congratulate Our Chinese Dance Team for its outstanding achievement. Our Team members have been putting in many hours and making countless efforts for various competitions. Congratulations to our Chinese Dance Team and its dancers!


Awardees are as follows:
2D Ng Hoi Yan 吳鎧
2D Ng Kei Yiu Kiko 伍紀瑤
2B Sit Ho Kwan 薛皓均
2BTse Cheuk In 謝卓妍
3C Lau Ying Tung 劉映彤
3A Wong Ching Ling 黃晴玲
3D Koo Sum Yu 顧芯瑜
3C Wong Hiu Ying 黃曉盈
3B Chan Ka Lee Kelly 陳嘉莉
3B Chiu Winnie 趙詠妮
3A Wong Hiu Ching 王曉晴