2 November 2015
Congratulations to F.2D Ivan So for Achieving the 2nd Runner-up in the 19th Asia City Taekwondo Championship 2015“Feather”(41-45kg) level of Cadet Junior Male (age12-14)
中二丁 蘇學言同學於第十九屆亞洲城市跆拳道錦標賽勇奪男子色帶羽量級(41-45 kg)兒童級別 (12歲-14歲)季軍

F.2D Ivan So was awarded the 2nd Runner-up in the 19th Asia City Taekwondo Championship
The all-round talents and the love for sports of students of TWGHs S. C. Gaw Memorial College was once again confirmed. Our athlete So Ivan won the 2nd Runner-up in the 19th Asia City Taekwondo Championship organized by Hong Kong Taekwondo Association on 22nd March, 2015. Congratulations to F.2D Ivan So for his remarkable achievements and outstanding results!