4 December 2015
50 Awards & Certificates Obtained in the 67th Hong Kong Schools Speech (Chinese) Festival ---1 Champion, 4 First Runner-up, 1 Second Runner-up, 28 and 16 Certificates of Merits and Proficiency Respectively
第六十七屆香港學校(中文)朗誦節獲 50 獎項及證書 --- 1項冠軍、4項亞軍、1項季軍、28項優異證書及16項良好證書

This year our school got a total of 50 awards and certificates in the Chinese entries of the 67th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival. We are happy to say that our school was awarded a total of 50 Awards and Certificates including 1 Champion, 4 First Runner-up, 1 Second Runner-up, 28 and 16 Certificates of Merits and Proficiency respectively. Congratulations to all the awardees!

第六十七屆香港學校(中文)朗誦節圓滿結束,本校同學共獲 50獎項及證書,包括1項冠軍、4項亞軍、1項季軍、28項優異證書及16項良好證書,可喜可賀!

Award List