19 December 2015
Our Principal, JPC members and Our Students were Invited in the “2015-2016 Winter Precaution – Fight Crime” Co-organized by the Kwai Tsing District Fight Crime Committee and Hong Kong Police Force (Kwai Tsing Division)
本校鄧蕙珍校長、少年警訊會員及本校同學獲邀參加在葵青區撲滅罪行委員會及葵青警區合辦的「葵青區千人冬防滅罪運動 2015 / 2016」

The “2015-2016 Winter Precaution – Fight Crime”, co-organized by the Kwai Tsing District Fight Crime Committee and Hong Kong Police Force (Kwai Tsing Division), was held on 19 December 2015. Our Principal, Ms Tang Wai Chun, Agnes who always devotes herself to serving the community, was invited to participate in the ceremony. The objective of the activity is to advocate the messages of crime prevention and enhance the relationship between the residents and the police. Besides our Principal, JPC members, our discipline prefects and members of the School Service Team were there to serve too. They distributed souvenirs to residents of the district and to advise shops at the district to make necessary action to protect their properties and to fight crime together.


冬防滅罪齊關注 --- 祥川菁英利社群

一年一度由葵青區撲滅罪行委員會及葵青警區合辦的「葵青區千人冬防滅罪運動2015 / 2016」已於12月19日星期六假葵涌運動場舉行。是項活動旨在提高市民對冬防滅罪及抗毒的意識,並加強警民關係。當日參加人士及嘉賓眾多,並請有歌星藝人到場表演,現場氣氛投入。本校訓導處領袖生及校園服務隊亦有派同學參與,以利社群。 當日活動除上述主辦單位外,亦得葵青民政事務處協辦,葵青區議會贊助,並有區內社會賢達參與,本校鄧蕙珍校長亦獲邀作嘉賓參與。鄧校長向來熱心公益,為善不甘後人,對社區事務更是踴躍支持。本校同學響應其事,亦派出訓導處領袖生及校園服務隊參加了當天典禮,更於典禮後到訪區內不同地點給市民和商戶等派發冬防滅罪年曆咭,宣傳冬防滅罪及抗毒信息,為社區市民服務。本校紮根青衣三十載,除教育年青人以外,亦熱心社區事務,相信日後亦會秉持這種精神以敬區樂群。