- 維持良好的個人及環境衛生。
- 保持雙手清潔,並用正確方法洗手。
- 雙手被呼吸系統分泌物弄污後(如打噴嚏後)應立即洗手。
- 打噴嚏或咳嗽時應掩著口鼻,並妥善清理口鼻排出的分泌物。
- 切勿與他人共用個人用品,分享飲品或飯盒,避免可能之交叉感染。
- 增力的強方抵抗法力。有助預防感染流感。均衡飲食、適量運動、充足休息, 避免過度緊張,都是增強抵抗力的方法。
- 避免前往人多擠迫、空氣流通情況欠佳的公眾地方。
- 身體不適時應立即求醫。
有關預防流感的資訊,請留意本校網頁特別通告欄,亦可瀏覽衛生署衛生防護中心網頁 (http://www.chp.gov.hk)。
In view of the recent increasing trend of influenza outbreaks in schools, the school has enhanced the precautionary measures to prevent the spread of influenza in the campus. Contingency measures thus started include.
In order to guarantee the school as a safe and healthy place for learning, the school would like to seek parents' cooperation in our collaborative efforts to prevent any possible outbreak of influenza and other similar respiratory or communicable diseases by observing the following precautionary measures which are set in accordance with the guidance issued by the Education Bureau and the Centre of Health Protection, Health Department:
Health Advice for the students:
Stepping up Precautionary Measures to Prevent the Spread of Influenza in School
- keep a close watch and observe your children's condition for any symptoms of respiratory tract infections;
- consult their doctors for medical advice promptly if they develop symptoms of respiratory diseases;
- children with fever and respiratory symptoms are strongly advised not to attend school. A medical certificate is a MUST when the student come back to school;
- parents are advised to record the body temperature of their children and bring the temperature record sheet to the school during the influenza season (the temperature record sheet can be found at the last page of the Student Handbook);
- wash hands after sneezing or coughing and wear a mask when developing symptoms of respiratory diseases;
- maintain good personal and environmental hygiene;
- maintain good ventilation;
- build up good body immunity by having a proper diet, regular exercise and adequate rest and reducing stress; and
- avoid visiting crowded places with poor ventilation, especially during influenza season or advice your children to wear masks to protect themselves if they really have to go to these crowded places.
Measures taken by the school:
- In the peak season of influenza, the school will use 1:99 bleaching agents to clean the campus such as the classrooms, special rooms, laboratories and corridors etc. every day.
- If student(s) of the class has/have fever or symptoms of respiratory diseases, the school will use 1:49 bleaching agents to clean the classrooms and all the special rooms that the student(s) has/have used.
- The windows in the classrooms will keep open and the air-conditioning be turned off as far as possible to maintain good ventilation.
Please be assured that the school will closely monitoring our students' absence and sick leave record daily and will liaise with both the Centre for Health Protection and our School Development Officer of the Education Bureau once the situation warrants any contingency measures to be taken.
In addition, the school would like to assure that the learning of your children if they are absent from lessons will not be unduly affected as all homework/assignment will be uploaded onto the e-class for students' easy reference and our staff as always are here to provide support.
For further information , please visit the webpage of Centre for Health Protection 衛生防護中心 (http://www.chp.gov.hk)