何淑儀老師 Teacher-librarian: Miss Ho Shuk-yi
1. 成為教與學的資源中心 1.To be a resource center for both teaching and learning. 2. 推動閱讀風氣 2. Promote reading. 3. 鼓勵學生自學 3. Encourage self-learning |
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開放時間Opening Hours: 星期一至五 Monday - Friday 上午八時至下午五時四十五分 8:00 am - 5:45 pm 星期六、日及公眾假期閉館 Closed on Sat, Sun and public holidays 學校長假期開放時間請看圖書館通告 For school holidays, please check announcement. |
Library rules:
1. |
Proper uniform is needed when entering the library. |
2. |
No food or drinks can be bought into the library. |
3. |
No personal belongings can be bought into the library. |
4. |
Behave yourself in the library. Talking, chasing, playing etc. Are not allowed, otherwise warning will be issued and punishment followed. |
5. |
Keep the library neat and tidy. |
6. |
Don't move the library settings without prior approval. |
7. |
Take good care of the library materials e.g. books, newspapers, magazine etc. Replace them properly after reading. |
8. |
Don't leave any personal belongings behind. |
9. |
In the library don't leave any personal belongings unattended. In case of loss, please report to the OFFICE immediately. The librarians are not responsible for that. |
10. |
In case of loss of the student card, report to the school librarian immediately. The new card will be issued with a normal charge by the office. |
11. | A borrower should ensure that any library material issued to him/her has registered before leaving the Library. |
12. | All students should obey the LIBRARY RULES, otherwise it is considered to be a breach of the school rules. |
Book borrow rules:
1. |
Library cards are not transferable and borrowers will be held responsible for the cards issued to them. |
2. |
Each card can borrow 5 books/5 back issues (Magazine)/5 CD or VCD. |
3. |
Students can reserve for a maximum of 5 items at a time. |
4. |
Return the books on or before the date due. |
5. |
A charge will be made for library materials returned late at the rate of HK$0.50 a day. |
6. |
When a library material has been returned, the same borrower may borrow it for a further period of 14 days (at a maximum of 2 times) unless it has been reserved. |
7. |
Should items borrowed include any CD-Roms or other complimentary materials, the should be returned together with the borrowed item. |
8. |
In the event of discovering any damage in the borrowing materials, please report to the Teacher Librarian immediately. |
9. |
For any library material lost or damaged, students are hold responsibility and have to pay for it. |
10. |
About the rules governing the use of the computer, please refer to the instructions attached on the computers. Please handle the machine with good care. In case of any irregularities, please report to the student librarian or the Teacher Librarian immediately. Students are responsible for any damage brought to the computer and have to pay for any replacement needed. |